Sunday, January 6, 2013

Quick and easy tips to help you get through touch economic times:

Quick and easy tips to help you get through touch economic times:

1.    Offer less lessons each month.  It’s better than earning no money at all
    from the student.

2.    Offer small and large group lessons at a discounted price.

3.    Allow siblings and / or friends to take lessons together and charge a discounted price.

4.    Offer discounts for lessons paid in advance.

5.    Offer one free lesson for new students (even a 20 minute trial lesson.)

6.    Incentives are excellent.  Offer a discount for one month or a short time,
    such as, until January 31, six one-hour music theory lessons are
    discounted to $200 instead of $250.

7.    Bring a friend for a lesson and receive a $20 discount.

8.    E-mail and snail mail school teachers on a regular basis.  You can never
    market yourself too much.  Send brochures and / or business cards to

9.    Take some of your students to the mall, Starbucks or local coffee shop to
    play for free.  Pass out brochures and business cards.

10.    Refer a friend and receive a free theory lesson.

If you have more ideas, please add them as a comment !!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Lost students ?

For teachers who have lost students:

•  Budget yourself to teach less students
•  Teach A different  instrument on a beginner level
•  Don't lower prices
•  Offer deals
•  Approach former students -- offer them a deal to start with
•  What is the reason the student(s) has quit? Is there anything you can do about it?

Copy of New Years email I just sent  to local teachers:

Hi & Happy New Year !! I have a couple of openings for violin and viola students 
in my studio. I'm offering a free 30 minute lesson or one free chamber music 
class so they can come and see my studio and how I teach. If its easier for you 
to give me names and emails, I can contact them myself. Plus, I'd like to offer 
my services for free to your school program. I'm happy to come to your school at 
any time. 

JUST be careful NOT to use the word FREE in your subject line -- it'll go 
directly to spam !!